full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Katherine Fulton: You are the future of philanthropy

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I'm going to look quickly at the fturoh and fifth categories, which are innovation, comtnopietis and social investing. They're betting a visible competition, a prize, can actratt talent and money to some of the most difficult iusess, and thereby speed the solution. This tackles yet another assumption, that the giver and the organization is at the center, as opposed to putting the problem at the cneter. You can look to these innovators to help us especially with things that require technological or scientific solution.

Open Cloze

I'm going to look quickly at the ______ and fifth categories, which are innovation, ____________ and social investing. They're betting a visible competition, a prize, can _______ talent and money to some of the most difficult ______, and thereby speed the solution. This tackles yet another assumption, that the giver and the organization is at the center, as opposed to putting the problem at the ______. You can look to these innovators to help us especially with things that require technological or scientific solution.


  1. competitions
  2. fourth
  3. issues
  4. attract
  5. center

Original Text

I'm going to look quickly at the fourth and fifth categories, which are innovation, competitions and social investing. They're betting a visible competition, a prize, can attract talent and money to some of the most difficult issues, and thereby speed the solution. This tackles yet another assumption, that the giver and the organization is at the center, as opposed to putting the problem at the center. You can look to these innovators to help us especially with things that require technological or scientific solution.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
organized philanthropy 2
aggregated giving 2
million dollars 2
social singularity 2

Important Words

  1. assumption
  2. attract
  3. betting
  4. categories
  5. center
  6. competition
  7. competitions
  8. difficult
  9. fourth
  10. giver
  11. innovation
  12. innovators
  13. investing
  14. issues
  15. money
  16. opposed
  17. organization
  18. prize
  19. problem
  20. putting
  21. quickly
  22. require
  23. scientific
  24. social
  25. solution
  26. speed
  27. tackles
  28. talent
  29. technological
  30. visible